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VERTSOL Syllabus

Page history last edited by Paul Pajo 16 years ago

DLS-College of Saint Benilde

School of Management and Information Technology

Information Management Program

As of the 2nd Trimester SY 2007-2008







PRE-REQUISITE : ITINFRA / Information Technology Infrastructure


TYPE OF COURSE : Major Course







This course exposes students to how IS/IT investments are being used to structure/support the business operating models of companies to remain competitive in their respective industries. The course offering per term will be limited to one selected industry to ensure a focused discussion. Specific industries covered by this subject include, but are not limited to, banking and finance, insurance, manufacturing, distribution, retail and telecommunications.


The industry to be covered in the current term is the Retail industry. The students will be exposed to essential concepts in the Retail Industry and the different IS/IT solutions used by the companies, in the said industry, to improve the way they address the needs of their customers.




Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning and Identify the importance of Vertical Solutions

  2. Identify the Fundamentals of Retailing

  3. Recognize the trends in the Retail Industry

  4. Explain the various infrastructure options in implementing an I.T. solution in the Retail Business

  5. Explain the Fundamentals of E-retailing

  6. Discover the various solutions used in the Retailing Business

  7. Discover how Internal Business Applications contribute to Vertical Solutions

  8. Confirm comprehension of course knowledge through passing the final examination (Comprehension)





This subject reinforces the development of students along the core values of the College, specifically:


  1. CSB Core Value: Appreciative of Individual Uniqueness

This subject, through the use of group-work and discussion, shows the value of the individual opinions and the diversity of skills in the analysis and the development of solutions to problems.


  1. CSB Core Value: Professionally Competent

This subject, by introducing students to various applications which they can recommend to companies, gives the students the additional means of solving problems which will help them become more competent IT professionals.


  1. CSB Core Value: Creative

This subject shows students various means of solving business problems by using innovative techniques or applications.


  1. CSB Core Value: Socially Responsible

This subject introduces students to the importance of Information System Investments that help companies improve the way they address the needs of customers, thereby inculcating respect for intellectual rights.





Competency Skills



Define set of expectations to be agreed on by the class.


Explain the meaning and Identify the importance of Vertical Solutions


  1. Class Introduction

    1. Class Introduction

    2. Expectation Settings

    3. Ground Rules


  1. Course Introduction

    1. Objective/s of the Course

    2. Purpose of the Course

    3. Course Scope


  1. Overview of Vertical Solution

    1. Definition of an Industry

    2. Definition of Vertical Solution

    3. Vertical versus Horizontal Market Software


3 – 4

Identify the Fundamentals of Retailing


Recognize the trends in the Retail Industry


  1. The Retail Industry

    1. Fundamentals of Retailing

    2. Forecasted Trends that will impact Retailing for the next decade

    3. Global and Local Retail Industry

    4. Creating Customer Value through Information Technology

    5. Computerization in Retail


5 - 6

Explain the various infrastructure options in implementing an I.T. solution in the Retail Business


  1. Software as a Service to Retail

    1. Business Challenges

    2. Point-of-Sale Transactions

    3. The Distributed vs. Centralized Architecture Dilemma

    4. Client-Server Architecture

    5. Centralized-Architecture Revival

    6. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

    7. Software as a Service



Explain the Fundamentals of E-retailing


  1. E-retailing

    1. Basic Overview of E-commerce

    2. Traditional Retailing and E-Retailing

    3. Benefits of E-retailing

    4. Key Success Factors

    5. Models of E-retailing

    6. Features of E-retailing



Discover the various solutions used in the Retailing Business

  1. Technological Solutions in the Retail Business

    1. Point of Sale Solutions

    2. Online Shopping Carts

    3. Mobile Commerce

    4. Online Procurement

    5. Online Payments

    6. E Customer Relationship Management

    7. E Business Security

12 - 13

Discover how Internal Business Applications contribute to Vertical Solutions


  1. Functional Business Systems Overview


  1. Overview of the Different Enterprise Resource Planning Systems



Confirm comprehension of course knowledge through passing the final examination

  1. Final Examination



Teaching methods / strategies:

The course is delivered mostly through learner-centered methodology with emphasis on individual and collaborative activities where teachers prepare the environment for learning and guide the learners to develop the important competencies. These methods are geared towards the belief that students learn best and retain much of the learning in an atmosphere where they are allowed to apply their creativeness and self expression.


Requirements / Deliverables:

Individual Activity and Collaborative Work will require any of the following deliverables for a given topic.

  1. Preparation and Participation in Lectures / Discussions

  2. Prepared Multimedia Aided Presentations

  3. Brainstorming / Group Dynamics / Reporting Output

  4. Project Research Papers

  5. Case Analysis

  6. Examinations

  7. Reflections


Plagiarism Policy:


Using the oral or written words and ideas of others without proper acknowledgment is plagiarism and is an academic offence. As a form of academic misconduct, students found guilty face serious consequences as stipulated in the Student’s Handbook.


Submission Policy:


To promote professionalism and competence, submission of requirements and deliverables must always be on time. The teacher reserves the right NOT to accept late submissions and will rate the requirement as failed or zero. In case the teacher decides to accept late requirement due to valid reasons, the teacher will impose point deductions on the score obtained or deduct 10% of the total score per day of delay. Students must present a letter from their parent or legal guardian appealing for the teacher to accept the late requirement. Valid proof must be attached to the letter of appeal.


Assessment / Evaluation :

To asses the performance and competencies of the learners…

  1. Quizzes and Exams will be administered to determine if the learners can remember basic information

  2. Brainstorming, group discussions and reporting will help determine if the learners can understand ideas or concepts gathered

  3. Exercises will be given to determine if learners can apply the information in another familiar situation

  4. Cases and Researches will be required to determine if learners can analyze and explore understandings and relationships

  5. Project Papers and Presentations will be scheduled to confirm if learners can recognize I.T. solutions to address business problems or opportunities

  6. Rubrics will be used to assess Authentic Learning Activities

Quiz & Exam Policy:

Students must attend all required scheduled quizzes and exams at the designated time and place. Individual professors may accommodate for illness or personal crisis. Additional accommodation will not be made unless a written request is sent to and approved by the Chairperson or Dean prior to the scheduled exam or as prescribed by the student manual. Any student who misses a scheduled quiz or exam without approval will be given a failing grade for the quiz or exam. Behaviour during exams is expected to conform to College guidelines. No further warnings will be given prior or during the exams, the penalty for cheating is immediate failure.


Grading System:


Final Grade Computation

Individual Grades



Long Quizzes


Class Activities (Exercises, Short Quizzes, Recitation, Reporting, Role Playing or Simulation)


Researches, Assignments and Reflections


Final Exam




Attendance (Refer to the Student Handbook for guidelines)


Group Work Deliverables


Final Project





NOTE: Midterm Grade will be computed based on class standing at the time of grades submission.



Materials of Instruction:


Online References:


  1. Microsoft Architecture Center (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library)

  2. Retail Trends Site (http://retailindustry.about.com)

  3. Department of Trade (http://www.dti.gov.ph/)

  4. National Statistics Office (http://www.census.gov.ph/)



Text References:


  1. Berman, Barry & Evans, Jpel, Retail Management, 10th Ed. (Person) (Students do not need to Purchase)

  2. James O’Brian, Management Information Systems (Students do not need to Purchase)



Professor’s Consultation Hours and Venue: ____________________










COURSE SCHEDULE : Days : Time :________

Term : 2nd Term S.Y. : 2008-2009

SECTION & ROOM : Section : Room :

TEACHER : _____________________________________



This is to certify that I, ____________________________________________________________ have read and

understood the entire syllabus and agree with its content, policies and consequences.


_______________________________ ______________________________



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