This guide is intended to run on Linux, preferably with aptitude and in Debian (tl;dr you have Ubuntu)
I suggest you check out the Guide to Setting Up Linux if you want to do this.
However, it CAN still work, provided that you have all the stuff needed here. It would work because showoff, git and gem have their respective Windows versions.
(Ruby and RubyGems in particular, and if your path to RubyGems is correct.)
- You have Ruby and RubyGems and is set up.
- Heroku is set up.
- Git is set up properly (SSH keys and all that).
- Get showoff and its dependencies
- Make your showoff presentation
- Deploy to Heroku
- Finish!
Once again, Linux only! However, there are ways to do this in Windows. That's what the pointers are for.
<name> refers to the name of your presentation. It's up to you.
I. Getting showoff
Open up a terminal
Showoff requires Nokogiri. To do that:
sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev
sudo gem install nokogiri
Type gem install showoff. Use sudo when necessary.
- Done. If you enter showoff, you should get something like this.

II. Make your showoff presentation
Initialize Showoff
- Create a showoff presentation. Use showoff create <name>
- This will create a folder with the presentation stuff in it. It's a starter presentation that you can use.
- Go to your presentation folder. (cd <folder name>, or open it as usual)

- Initialize Git. (git init)
Have fun
You should have new stuff from here on out. You'll get these files:
- showoff.json - a file showoff refers to when you run it. You can customize the slide title and sections here. (think: manifest)
- one - a folder for your slides
- .git - the git folder, ignore it.
You can open any of these files through a text editor like gedit.
I'll only explain up to there. Read up on how markdown files work on showoff. It's in showoff's GitHub repo.
Running your slideshow
- Go back to the terminal.
- Enter showoff serve.
- When it shows the line with HTTPServer#Start, open your web browser then go to http://localhost:9090/
- You should see your presentation there.
- To end your slideshow and continue using the terminal again, press CTRL+C
III. Deploy to Heroku
- Enter showoff heroku <name>. You'll get these:
- heroku create <name>
- git add .gems
- git commit -m 'herokuized'
- git push heroku master
- Done!
- If it fails, try doing this after performing the commands above:
- git add .
- git commit -m 'this one adds all files'
- git push heroku master
Comments (1)
Calo, Francis Victor R. said
at 9:37 pm on Oct 25, 2010
Here's how to do it on Windows:
*This assumes you already have a working Git Bash and an ssh key
*This method does not require VM or Ubuntu, but it's generally a bit more difficult
1.) Uninstall whatever version of Ruby you are using and delete the whole folder. It's typically located in C:
2.) Download this version of Ruby
3.) Install it and make sure the installation directory is "C:/Ruby" and not "C:/Ruby187"
4.) Go to Start>All Programs>Ruby 1.8.7-p302 and click on "Start Command Prompt with Ruby"
5.) Once it pops up, go to the C:Ruby directory by typing the change directory command cd
*Depending on your version of Windows (I use Vista), the starting directory of that command prompt is usually "C:UsersYOU"
6.) Type this command: gem install rails --version 2.3.9 --no-rdoc --no-ri
7.) Once it's finished type this command: gem install heroku --no-rdoc --no-ri
8.) Now install nokogiri by typing the command: gem install nokogiri
9.) Then install showoff by typing the command: gem install showoff
10.) Jeriel's tutorial from part II onwards is applicable to Windows.
11.) Tip to make the slides: The .md files and .json files can be opened using notepad
In the event that there are errors along the way, you might want to try the DevKit method
This breaks off from step 8
8.) Download this devkit from
9.) Click on the executable and extract it to "C:/DevKit"
10.) Start Command Prompt with Ruby
11.) Go to the DevKit directory
12.) Type this command: ruby dk.rb init
13.) Then this command: ruby dk.rb install
14.) Now go back to the Ruby directory
15.) Everytime you install a gem include this: --platform=ruby
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